Successfully managing technology to provide the greatest value to any organization is a challenge, but the competitive environment of business schools to distinguish and reinvent themselves adds to the complexity of obtaining the highest return from technology innovations at the lowest cost.
TBS is a global organization composed of individuals who are IT Directors, Assistant Deans of Technology, or Associate Deans of Technology - IT leaders who manage information technology in business schools. The TBS organization provides opportunities for these individuals to network, learn, share, and collaborate on technology innovations and best practices as applied to the unique environment of business schools - key benefits for members and their schools. The Technology in Business Schools Roundtable celebrates diversity The virtual sessions, results of the surveys, and the annual meeting offer a wealth of knowledge and experience all specific to the business school environment. Being connected to the TBSr community, provides significant benefits to members and their participating schools. Please take a moment to learn more about TBSr and the advantages of becoming a member. | Upcoming events